Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Pre-Prom Adventure

Prom is over and the pictures are all that's left...and there are a lot of pictures!  They are all over Facebook, and now they are posted on my website. for my blog!

Let me start by saying there were 18 couples ... they rode in two limo BUSES ... and called themselves one group.  

I wasn't sure if I could get everything done in just over an hour, but it went as smoothly as ever...thanks to the assistance of Kristy, Jill and my husband!

Here they are!

...and finally, the BFFs....

I'm thankful everyone had a safe evening!

Friday, April 23, 2010

Family pictures

Sweet little angel!!!

Family pictures are not something I do a lot, but this session was really quite fun.

We were going to take pictures of just the baby...but it was nap time.  

Nap favorite time of day.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

How cute is this little guy!!!

Another fun thing I get to do is photograph the cutest little people!  It's hard to go wrong...except I find myself watching them...or getting tickled at something they do.  Then I miss my shot!  Oh, to be little again...